Within the framework of the public-private partnership for Economic Development that brings together public and private actors with the aim of enhancing the impact on the subject, the Local Innovation Network (RIL) launched the first edition of the Cities of Economic Development Program. 

The fifteen cities that will be part of the program are: Añelo (Neuquén), Ayacucho (Bs. As.), Cipoletti (Rio Negro), Cruz del Eje (Córdoba), Funes (Santa Fe), General Cabrera (Córdoba), Luján de Cuyo (Mendoza), San Ramón de la Nueva Orán (Salta), Plaza Huincul (Neuquén), Rada Tilly (Chubut), Rio Cuarto (Córdoba), Salta (Salta), Trenque Lauquen (Bs. As), Tres Arroyos (Bs. As) and Vicuña Mackenna (Córdoba). 

The purpose of the Program is to assist cities in the design of a comprehensive strategy to address economic development. Through intensive support, the technical teams will work for eight months on the diagnosis, identification of their productive matrix, construction of information and strengthening of their public policy for local development. 

At the same time, government teams will be provided with installed capacity through coordination with the private sector and civil society organizations, which will provide training and exchange opportunities for the joint construction of solutions that meet the needs of each locality. 

The program has partner companies and organizations that will accompany us throughout the year in the training of teams and in building a virtuous agenda of public-private articulation. These are: La Anónima, Agencia Innovar y Emprender de la Provincia de Córdoba, Pan American Energy, Santander and VISTA Oil & Gas. 

Cities that prioritize Economic Development are cities that professionalize their management, identify their productive matrix, work together with it and plan their strategy in pursuit of a dynamic and sustainable territorial growth.

To learn more about this program click here.