The program promoted by the municipalities of Amegino, Pellegrini, General Villegas, Trenque Lauquen, Rivadavia and San Justo inspi...
Desde la Red de Innovación Local (RIL) conectamos, aceleramos e inspiramos devolviendo a nuestra Red todo lo aprendido en conocimi...
We started the Week of Inspiration at RIL from September 18-22 with the objective of making visible solutions to public challenges ...
Leaders from different Argentine cities participated in this meeting together with the Varkey Foundation to generate a space for tr...
Ronda Intendentes, a unique training, motivation, reflection and networking experience for mayors elected in 2023 organized by Red ...
Durante el mes de septiembre, en RIL, celebramos la Semana de la Inspiración con el objetivo de visibilizar soluciones a desafíos...
We invite you to share virtual spaces for reflection with specialists and colleagues to reflect on the keys to responsible transiti...
At RIL we connect, accelerate and inspire by giving back to our Network all that we have learned in knowledge. This is why, at RIL,...
Urban centers are challenged to preserve and strengthen their natural capital by revitalizing biodiversity and thereby contributing...